Katelyn’s Story

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Hi, my name is Katelyn (23) and I’m from Arizona.

Before starting Whealth, I was definitely feeling some imbalance in my life. I graduated college in a pandemic and then moved across the country. I was feeling a little lost, without direction, and confused about where my path was leading me. I’ve always believed that keeping promises to yourself is a key way of building self-love. The problem is, I’ve always been bad at keeping promises to myself. I historically have been the type of person to go all-in on something but not always follow through.

Whealth really helped me change that. The whole program is based on building healthy lifestyle habits in small, manageable ways. Through the program, I have found helpful ways to increase my nutrition game, recenter my movement goals, and create an environment that supports my life goals. But the program also gave me a much deeper gift than that, which is how to create habits that will actually last. That’s invaluable to me moving forward with my life because of the way it has helped me improve my relationship with myself.

Whealth is the first program I have come across that focuses on 5 different pillars of health, which I think is incredibly important because health is influenced by so many different factors. People need to know that taking ownership of your health is going to be a multifaceted approach, which is why I am so grateful for the education Whealth has given me and the rest of its members. Its community is second to none and has given me an opportunity to build more friendships during a very isolating time.

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