Mother and Crossfitter Who Overcame Her L4/L5 Disc Herniation- Erin Price

Erin Price Holding Son

In November of 2019 I herniated my L4/L5 disc during a Crossfit workout. I was a kindergarten teacher at the time and my kids were 2 and 3. I was in pain during everyday activities, couldn’t pick up my children, and seemingly “lost” my ability to do the one thing that helped me clear my mind- Crossfit. I saw doctors, PTs, chiropractors and had MRIs and imaging done, modified workouts, and nothing had a lasting effect. In many cases I felt like they weren’t listening to me or that they made me feel “broken” or “past the stage in my life for those kinds of activities.”

One of the major turning points for me was watching my daughter over a year after my injury holding her back saying, “I can’t, my back hurts.” This KILLED me that my daughter saw me this way.


I found the Limitless program when I was at its wits end and dove in head first. The Limitless program and community helped me view pain through an entirely new lens. I began to listen to my pain rather than fear it. I used pain as motivation to truly listen to my body and improve in the areas I was lacking: movement, mental, and nutrition.


Today, I am back to picking up barbells and most importantly, my kids, without pain. I no longer fear getting hurt, injury or pain. The mental shift the Whealth community helped me achieve is PRICELESS and has literally changed my life. I am now working with a weightlifting coach, getting stronger than I ever have before. I still reference back to Limitless videos and use movement patterns and skills I learned through the program every day. I am stronger, more confident, and smarter in my training and health than I have ever been thanks to Limitless. I am so grateful to the limitless program, the community, Andrew, Katie, and Cameron for guiding me to WAY MORE self-discovery than I could have imagined.


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D1 Athlete Who Overcame Her Back Injury and SI Joint Pain- Stephanie Bryden


Strength Coach Overcomes Disc Herniations, Disc Bulges, Hip Impingement, Scoliosis, SIJ Pain, Arthritis, and More