5 Favorite Fats

Fat is an essential part of the diet. Once feared, we now know that healthy fats help boost brain health, lower cholesterol levels, keep us full, and improve cardiovascular health. Below, you’ll find our favorite fats we include in our diet on a regular basis:

1. Grass-fed Ghee
Ghee is a delicious fat that you can use in many dishes, including your favorite vegetables!  It has a very rich very flavor (almost cheese-like) and is great for your gut microbiome. It’s rich in vitamins and trace minerals, and will also help keep your metabolism roaring. Ghee has a high smoke point so you can use it in a variety of cooking methods without worrying about denaturing the fat. Lastly, ghee is a butter with the milk solids taken out, making it perfect for our lactose-intolerant friends. 


2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has a sweet flavor that is unlike other fats and is fantastic for boosting your energy. Coconut oil has been linked to improved brain function, increased heart health, and even lowered inflammation in the body. We like to use coconut oil in our coffee, for sautéed veggies, or in healthy sweets such as fat bombs. It can also be used on your skin as a moisturizer! 


3. Avocados
Avocados have quickly become a popular fruit and with good reason: they not only taste fantastic but are incredibly versatile and pack a nutritional punch. They help lower bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol, boost the immune system, and have more potassium than bananas. Avocados can be consumed in smoothies, salads, or made into delicious dips such as guacamole. If you’re cooking, avocado oil is another top choice, as it has a very high smoke point and can be used in all cooking methods.


4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is packed full of antioxidants making it a popular choice for fat additions to the diet. It works best when added to dishes such as salads after cooking because it has a low smoke point compared to avocado oil, coconut oil, or ghee. EVOO is great for helping lower blood pressure, improving cholesterol, and helping with blood vessel health. A tip for buying EVOO: look for dark glass containers and store them away from direct light, as light can damage the oil.


5. Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are a personal favorite source of fat for us because they contain abundant amounts of anti-inflammatory fats in the form of Omega-3’s. The fat forms found in fish are actually the most beneficial, called DHA and EPA. Fish are also rich in protein and have a ton of other nutrients as well, so there are significant benefits to regularly including them in your diet. Remember the acronym SMASH to remember which fish are best: (S)almon, (M)ackerel, (A)nchovies, (S)ardines, and (H)erring. In general, wild-caught is always best.


This week, try including these sources of health-inducing fats and reap the benefits! We've been eating these for years, and notice increased energy, satiety, and overall health - try it out and see for yourself!


Let us know if you have any other favorite fats that we may be missing! 


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