Is it Possible to Appreciate Pain?

Pain Sucks! Or does it?

My experience taught me that the answer is yes!

Pain is inevitable; pain is humbling; pain is empowering; pain is not limiting! What I have learned in my 30 short years of life, is that pain and suffering is actually beneficial. I have had “pleasant” opportunities with pain, anxiety, and stress on dozens of occasions, but it was a severe and persistent (chronic) lower back injury in 2013 that propelled me on my current life path to provide support to people with musculoskeletal injuries.

Since the age of 5, I’ve had an excessive number of random injuries that lasted anywhere from 6-24 months. I now believe these injuries were a result of my connective tissue laxity (Hyper-mobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome). In 2013, I experienced my worst pain to date - a 10mm L4/L5 disc herniation that protruded to the left and an 8mm bulge to the right. These numbers may not mean anything to you, but it is considered a “significant” disc injury (of course there are far worse ones out there!). I have also experienced terrible hip impingement ( in both hips), shoulder impingement (in both shoulders), meniscus pain in my knees, and tendonitis around most joints in my body. These caused much misery, and many sleepless nights. This led me on a journey to discover and heal the root causes of my pain. 

As a result of my journey with pain, I have been given the opportunity to provide help to millions of people via social media. I have also helped over 15,000 people in more intimate online settings (programs and communities) with their pain, injury, and, consequently, depression. I am mentioning the number of people I have impacted to emphasize how incredibly fortunate I feel to be able to take something as negative and detrimental as pain and turn it into something epically positive. I believe that in all areas of life, we are given the option to take advantage of our struggles and turn them into growth opportunities . . . yet most people have difficulty recognizing pain as a growth opportunity. Here’s why:

I have heard tens of thousands of stories about peoples injuries, MRI’s, and the negative diagnoses that medical professionals have provided about their injuries. The confusion about pain isn’t the injury or the MRI, it’s usually the opinions of the medical professionals. When it comes to chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and other long-lasting conditions that are the result of lifestyle, our medical system is F***ED. Much of the medical industry (in all countries) focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing the underlying cause of an issue. High blood pressure? The advice is, “Take these meds” when diet and lifestyle modifications are almost always the real solution. Bulging disc? “You need this cortisone injection and later a surgery” when altering movement patterns, reducing stress, and shifting lifestyle will solve most issues.

There has been a huge shift outside of traditional medicine that is focusing on improving the root-cause of the issue rather than putting bandaids on symptoms. I intend to continue to play a significant role in this transition away from the current medical practices.

Is traditional medicine helpful? Yes! In instances of acute injury (broken leg), heart attacks, stroke, burns, etc . . . you don’t want to go to someone like me. You want to go to a hospital! However, after you have been repaired and revived it’s time to make LONG-TERM shifts in your lifestyle to heal the core issue(s)and/or prevent it/them from coming back in the future. 

I have seen dozens of people who have had persistent pain longer than I have been alive benefit from my teachings. After gaining confidence in their movement, an understanding of what pain actually is, and making shifts away from life’s stressors, they finally feel Limitless and unencumbered by pain. They come to recognize that their pain provided a meaningful message and was a blessing in disguise that they had been ignoring for decades. 

If you are one of the many people in the world currently dealing with pain, it may seem unbelievable that the pain you are experiencing could hold value for you. If you are still reading, you are most likely interested in understanding more about how you can take ownership of your current situation and overcome it to create your own superhero’s origin story. I have guided many people to their new story and a Limitless life. I am sure you’d like to know more about your impending journey; so sign up for your free 15 minute consultation to learn more about our Limitless program and what it can offer you.


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