Strength Training- The Best Form of Exercise?

Today I am going to share why STRENGTH TRAINING may be the BEST form of exercise!


The benefits of strength training are well studied and documented: Strength training is an effective, low-risk, & low-cost option for:

  • anti-aging

  • improving metabolism

  • improving mental health

  • decreasing body fat

  • decreasing pain, increasing fitness

  • improving mobility with age

  • decreasing insulin resistance

  • improving aesthetic appearance & confidence


So....learning to do it safely is essential!


Is it for you? It should be! It is a safe option that is low cost and easily accessible to people. You don't need a fancy gym membership, a personal trainer, or special equipment. Bodyweight strengthening is highly effective and is a great place to start. If you have access to weights and other equipment, that's a bonus! There is a lot you can do to continue to build strength if you have those options.


However, I see a few common barriers to strength training. Let's tackle a few of these now:  


  • The first thing I see is a lack of education. I hear women say things like, "I don't want to get big or bulky. I just want to tone." If this is a concern for you, let me tell you that this will not happen. If you are picturing women who look like bodybuilders- they have spent decades building a body like that, and it's very challenging for women to do so. Many are taking supplements and drugs to help achieve that level of muscle. Let's also talk about the word "tone." While I understand what people mean by this- and I despise people who get too caught up on terminology- tone just refers to the amount of tension in a relaxed muscle. One great way to increase resting muscle tone is by strength training!


  • Some people understand the many benefits but are intimidated. Going into a gym and entering the weight section can be scary for someone who doesn't understand the equipment or exercises. Nobody likes looking clueless. The great thing is that there are so many excellent at-home options now that you don't have to be in this position! A program like ours teaches you everything you need to know so that if you decide to walk into a gym in the future, you will know your way around!


  • Some people are scared. Weight lifting may seem dangerous to some people. We've all heard of someone hurting their back lifting weights, haven't we? The reality is that it is much more likely a combination of factors over a long period which led up to their injury- not one day in the gym gone wrong. Additionally, being educated adequately on form and technique and increasing weight gradually over time prevents injuries. We take a very technique-heavy approach to strength training.


  • Some people understand the benefits and aren't fearful, but they don't know where to start, plan their workouts, or be consistent. We've got you covered again on this one! Our new strength program teaches you step by step. It includes your workout programming, so there's no need to try to make up your workouts.


Strength training is a potent tool when it comes to fat loss. Not only will you burn calories WHILE you are doing your workout, but you will also continue to burn more calories for up to 72 hours AFTER you finish your workout! Muscle also burns more calories than fat simply existing- this is your basal metabolic rate or BMR. So to sustain itself, the muscle will burn more calories! Amazing, isn't it??


If you’re interested in building your strength, cardio, and mobility, checkout our Strength & Conditioning Program!


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