Our Top 5 Supplements

Before diving in, I want to clarify the role of supplements. From a nutritional perspective, supplements are intended to fill in any gaps left after shoring up your daily diet. Pretty much all nutrients you need should, ideally, be supplied from your diet.

With Whealth Nutrition, we are always looking to:

1. prioritize removing added sugars and refined carbohydrates

2. obtain adequate levels of protein, fats, fiber, and hydration.

Once dialed in with those aspects of our diet, supplementing can be beneficial to further your results and overall sense of wellbeing/health. Below you'll find 5 of my favorite supplements that can make a significant impact when paired with a well-constructed diet:

1. Whey Protein

At Whealth, we stress a wellness routine centered around resistance training and the pursuit of strength and muscle gain. We strive for 1g/protein per pound of *ideal* body weight to optimize these outcomes. Whey protein is the highest in an amino called Leucine that aids in muscle growth and recovery. At 20+g/protein per serving, whey is an excellent supplement to obtain optimal protein numbers. Additionally, it is relatively cheap, convenient, and easy to tote/clean.

2. Vitamin D

Many, if not most, people are deficient in *optimal* levels of vitamin D. This is even more prevalent during gloomy winter months where sunlight is infrequent. The sun provides an abundance of our Vitamin D, so it makes sense that our Vitamin D levels are negatively impacted when we're getting less exposure. Optimal Vitamin D levels are needed for many essential functions, from having a robust immune system to combatting depression and even cancer. Be sure to consult your doctor, get tested, and supplement as needed. This vitamin is an important one.

3. Magnesium

Want a great sleep aid? Magnesium can be a great addition. In recent years, our soils have become increasingly depleted in valuable minerals, making our foods depleted as well. Magnesium is one that almost all of us can benefit from because of dietary insufficiencies. Magnesium not only helps with sleep but helps with muscle soreness/tightness, helps with Vitamin D activation, regulates glucose and insulin, and so much more!

4. Collagen

As far as easy beauty hacks go, collagen is second next to an abundant intake of hydration/water. Collagen has been proven to improve skin elasticity and moisture, making it a popular anti-aging tool. Collagen also has components in it that help with achy joints and moving better, but what I'm most interested in are the gut benefits. There are many things in modern society (pharmaceutical drugs, gluten, inflammatory foods, etc.) that damage our gut. Collagen is one of the few things that can help repair it. Whether through natural forms (bone broth, bone marrow) or through supplemental powder form, I am a huge proponent of including collagen in the diet for optimal gut function.

5. Psyllium Husk

Psyllium Husk is a cheap, easy way to increase fiber in your diet. It adds bulk to the stool and makes using the bathroom a quick and clean process. In fact, the entire team uses it and refers to it as the "sausage maker" supplement. Too much detail, perhaps, but it adequately and sufficiently explains the result! There are benefits to be had here, including lowering LDL cholesterol and managing insulin/blood sugar response. All of which is great for your metabolism!

Always address your diet first. As they say, "change your diet, change your life". Once you've committed to a well-balanced, whole food diet, feel free to dive into some supplements and explore their benefits! What are your top 5 supplements for optimal wellbeing? Would you change anything? Feel free to let us know.


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